SCAYLE Academy Help / FAQ

What is SCAYLE Academy?

SCAYLE Academy is an online learning platform offering courses to enhance your understanding and skills in utilizing SCAYLE's functionalities and related business topics.

Who can benefit from SCAYLE Academy?

Whether you are a tenant, partner, or internal team member, if you are looking to deepen your knowledge of SCAYLE's platform, there is content designed for you.

How are the courses structured?

Courses are composed of video content, including webinar-like presentations and screen recordings, to provide comprehensive and interactive learning experiences.

Can I request access for my colleagues?

Absolutely! If you know someone who would benefit from our courses, send an email to to request access for them.

Is there a cost to join SCAYLE Academy?

No, the academy does not have any costs to join as it is based on invitation where the access is granted to the respective users.

How often is new content added?

We continuously update and add new courses and content to ensure our learners have access to the latest information and skills.

Who can I reach out to in case something is not working?

In case of any problem you notice, please send an email to with your findings.

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